Any Javascript or Coffeescript `map` function that transforms object *values*?
NickName:KajMagnus Ask DateTime:2012-06-11T10:36:40

Any Javascript or Coffeescript `map` function that transforms object *values*?

Is there no ubiquitous/standard Javascript or Coffeescript function that Transforms the values of an object/map/hash?

jQuery has $.map but it produces Arrays only.
Underscore has but it also produces Arrays only.

To be clear, a function like this one is what I'm looking for. (This example is written in Coffeescript not Javascript.)

# Transforms the values in a map. (Doesn't modify `obj` — returns a new map.)
# Example usage:
#   mapObjVals({ a: 'aa', b: 'bb'}, (key, value) -> value + '_!')
#   --> { a: 'aa_!', b: 'bb_!' }
mapObjVals = (obj, f) ->
  obj2 = {}
  for k, v of obj
    obj2[k] = f k, v

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「KajMagnus」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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